
  • New 90s Jam Promo

    New 90s Jam Promo

    Very excited to reveal new promotional material for 90s Jam for 2022, showcasing four of the smash hit 90s dance tunes from our exciting and energetic 90s experience show. We can’t wait to get back out on the road again in 2022, and we are already looking forward to a great year of gigs all over the UK!

    We had an absolute blast making our new promo video at Heat nightclub in Sleaford with the guys from PX Productions, and I am so happy with how all the footage and and photos turned out from the day’s shooting.

    See you all on a dancefloor somewhere soon!

  • The full-length version of my joint Instagram Live with Matt Lacey, talking about our experiences of teaching drums during lockdown over the past twelve months and what we can take from this period as tutors as we start to return to normal.

  • I had the great privilege of playing drums for Sam Coe on a closed video session conducted under COVID restrictions at EPIC Studios just before Christmas. The video shoot was a pre-record of a live performance for the Americana Music Association‘s January awards show night, which this year was an entirely online event.

    With the AMA Awards now having been broadcast, EPIC Studios have published the full length performance on their YouTube channel this week, and I am very excited to be able to share that with you here. I was really proud to get to be a part of this, and I think the look of the video and the sound we achieved with the drums and with the band overall is absolutely first class.

  • Coronavirus Practice Diary 2021

    I am returning to the idea of uploading regular ‘practice diary’ videos on my Facebook Page during the latest lockdown period this January.

    The idea is (as I explain in the video) to demonstrate the practice techniques I always talk about with students in ‘real life’ scenarios, and show how practice as a concept is applicable to all stages and styles of learning music. Hopefully that will be helpful to some people in modelling good practising whilst we are all stuck at home with nothing else to do!

    I’ve decided to take a slightly different approach to my practice this time out, and focus on skills I have neglected – or never even had! – rather than just picking a piece of piano music again and learning that in front of that camera. The first video shows me beginning to learn a simple folk tune on the accordion – an instrument I have often wanted to learn to properly, but have never quite got around to until now. Of course there will be plenty of mistakes and lots of poor technique along the way! But that is the point; mistakes are learning in action, and the idea of opening up my practice for the world to see is so everyone can understand how that process works.

  • On Friday night I was honoured to have live versions of two of my songs included in an online streamed performance for World Stage Live. The gig was broadcast on Facebook and YouTube, and included three other artists’ performances, in the UK and in Kenya.

    The full videos of my performances are available here, for anybody who missed it.

  • The music video for the title track of my new EP, When The Autumn Comes is available in full on YouTube now. Shot at the Anteros Arts Foundation in Norwich in 2015 (shortly after the song the song was written) with photography by Boo Marshall Photography and Dynamic Dog Productions, this was a really fun video to make which captures the tone and mood of the song brilliantly – and I am extremely excited to finally get to share it with everybody ahead of the EP’s release date on 3rd October.

  • Another line video from Sam Coe’s album launch night, which I played keys for back in November.

    Comeback Queen is the title track of the album, and was the closing song of the night at Epic Studios. Such a fun piece of music to play, and a wonderful group of musicians to play it with! We all got a chance to go a little mad at the end of this one, too…

    Video shot and edited by Sam Thurlow.

  • Another live video from the Comeback Queen album launch show a couple of weeks ago with Sam Coe and her wonderful band.

    This slow track, The Truth – a rare switch from organs to electric piano for me – is one of my favourites of Sam’s songs to do live. It is a gorgeous, mellow number with so much space in it, and I always feel like we are making something profound happen when we play this.

    Video shot and edited by Sam Thurlow.

  • Check out the first video from the Sam Coe album launch show at Epic Studios on Thursday last week… ‘Hard Time’ was the first single released from the record, and also our opening song of Sam’s set on the night. It’s a big, gritty country/rock anthem which is tons of fun to play on keys! Looking forward to being able to share more pictures and video footage from this gig very soon.

    Video shot and edited by Sam Thurlow.

  • Ipswich Christmas Lights Video

    Ipswich Christmas Lights Video

Kit Marsden // Musician