I am a member of the teaching staff for the Norfolk Keyboard Orchestra – an ensemble for pianists and keyboard players and a social setting for making music together. The orchestra gives those who learn to play keyboard instruments the chance to come together and play as a group, learn ensemble-playing skills, have fun and experience music in a social way. We play all kinds of music, often rock and pop-themed, or music from films. Sometimes we branch out into other, unusual genres!

NKO is proudly sponsored by Bristow Helicopters. NKO gives a concert at the end of every term, and that’s the focus of each term’s work.
It’s great fun to make music together, as every orchestral player knows. The opportunities for beginner and intermediate pianists and keyboardists to make music socially are almost non-existent – and it’s for this reason the Norfolk Keyboard Orchestra was founded in January 2008. The orchestra has gone from strength to strength since then, and these days we use a full PA system, live drums and vocals, which makes the experience very special.
I have also been a lead tutor on the Norfolk Keyboard Orchestra’s ever-popular Keyboard Camp Easter residential courses for several years. This involves leading sectional rehearsals and assisting in full orchestral rehearsals – plus running workshops for smaller groups, which typically focus on technology in keyboard music (including sampling and synthesis, and the basics of electronic music techniques), and songwriting and composition in a range of styles.
If you are interested in NKO, rehearsals take place at Brundall Memorial Hall on Thursdays from 5.30 to 7.00pm, and the orchestra is open to adults and children alike, at any stage of learning. Keyboard Camp is held once annually during the Easter holidays, at a residential centre in Norfolk. Please contact Callum Nicholls if you would like more information, or to join NKO. We look forward to welcoming you to a unique and amazing orchestral experience!