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Bones From My Back is a story.  It is a story of heartbreak, of self-doubt, and of loose ends.  The songs were written during the period from October 2013 to April 2014, and they are presented on the record in chronological order.

Making this record has been quite a journey for me.  It’s been a journey of discovery, and experimentation – both in a musical and a personal sense.  It’s a very personal sound – each track represents a different moment for me, and a different way of feeling.  All the tracks have been recorded and produced in my studio, and with the exception of guitars, bass guitar, violin (on two tracks), and backing vocals (on one track), all the parts have been played or sung by me.

The idea of putting my music out in the public domain, under my name, is something I find exciting and terrifying in equal measure!  Writing these songs began as an escape mechanism, and the project has evolved to a point where people will be able to buy the record and listen to my music.

I have taken the decision to make the full lyrics to all the songs available online; the words I write are central to the message of each song, and of the album as a whole.  I hope that by having access to all the lyrics here, people will be able to gain some understanding of the writing process and of the mindset of the project while listening, if they wish.  Learn more about each track on the album by clicking on the titles below:


  1. Sleeping With The Window Open
  2. Pyre Of Us
  3. Dancing In The Car
  4. Anti-depressants
  5. If I Don’t Survive The Storm (I Won’t Stop Loving You)
  6. What Makes A Girl
  7. Salt
  8. Little Granite Heart
  9. Sugar Cube
  10. Asleep On My Shoulder
  11. Ivory Tears
  12. Threnody
  13. No Will To Try
  14. Pyrite
  15. Except Epitaphs
  16. Found